Sunday, January 23, 2011

Q-Comp and What We Already Do

Many of the basic components of Q-Comp are based on things we do as a district right now, and would continue to do regardless of its passage.  As you are evaluating the proposal, here are the main elements you may recognize: 
  • Observations:  We chose to use a pared down version of the observation part of our current performance review structure.  Instead of all of our PAS components, we will focus on the one that relates most directly with instruction or has the most direct impact on student achievement.  The rubrics and forms for those parts would be used for Q-Comp too.
  • Site Achievement Goal: We currently develop annual site goals as part of our Site Improvement Plan process. 
  • Student Achievement Goal:  We have begun to develop individual or collaborative team goals annually; these could be used for our individual student achievement goals as well. 
  • Collaborative Teams:  One of the requirements of Q-Comp is to have some form of job embedded staff development, so we referenced the PLC’s and collaborative teams that our district has been working for the past few years.